Visit to Voinicel

I looked very much forward to, for the eight time, to visit Chisinau and Voinicel. My agenda here is to be a medical consultant,to discuss complicated cases and,so far I can, give information to parents.

Mariana and Egil are discussing a case

My background is that I am a pediatrician, having worked in the area of child neurology and psychoneurology. As I can’t speak nor understand moldovian or russian language, I have to be interpreted all the time. This is functioning very well as the interpreters are doctors or having paramedical or medical professions. I meet many parents having children with rare and not so rare diagnosis. What struck me again and again for all the years I have been here, is that nearly all the children (with different diagnosis) are overmedicated, very often with the same medicaments. It is often very expensive drugs and mostly of no use.

This time I joined a part of the Voincel team to Comrat, 120 km. from Chisinau. This is a russian speaking area. Although I did not understand a word, I perceived a very good quality of their lectures, looking at the acting, using of voice and gestures and the engagement.The audience looked very concentrated. Some had good questions.

Due to volcano ashes my primary flight and seccond flight were cancelled.I hope for tomorrow, five days delayed, to return succesfully from another meaningful visit to Voincel.